How do I set up my persona?

Here is a walkthrough on how to set up your persona on Capsho:

Here is the written step-by-step process:

  1. Create a new persona.

  1. Add your persona nickname.

  1. When filling up the 4 questions, be specific with your answers, provide 1-3 things that you use to describe yourself and what you do.

  1. After you're done filling up the persona details, go ahead and choose the tone of voice that you would like Capsho to adopt.

  1. You will have two options you can choose from, either the Generic or Train Your Own tone of voice.

  1. We highly recommend the Train Your Own tone of voice option.

  1. Copy and paste contents from your own social media platforms or email.

  1. Provide 5 -10 pieces of content.

  1. Once you're done, click on the persona you just created and choose that for the upload.

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