How do minutes work in Capsho NextGen?

Here is a walkthrough explaining how minutes work on Capsho:

Here is the written step-by-step process:

  1. If you are on a free trial you will get 120 minutes which you can use to upload files.
  2. If you are on our monthly paid membership, you will get a total of 300 minutes that you can use to upload your files.
  3. When you upload a file, you will see the total number of minutes you have available and also the number of minutes it requires to upload your file.

  1. Click on the purple gear icon located below the Capsho logo.

  1. Go into My Billing to see how many minutes you currently have available and you can also see when they will expire.

  1. You will have the whole billing month to use up your minutes.
  2. Minutes that are not used up will be lost in your next billing period.

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